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Brilliant Plumage

From Blockgame Wiki
Brilliant Plumage
Item Details
TypeHoliday Quest Item
It shines in the sun and glows in the dark.

The Brilliant Plumage is the Thanksgiving Event Currency in Blockgame.


Brilliant Plumages can be acquired from all gathering professions and through mob kills.

Brilliant Plumages may also be obtained from the once-daily Plunder Chests located next to Feathers.

Drop Table

Source Drop Chance Amount
Archaeology 1% 1
Fishing 5% 1
Herbalism 2% 1
Hunting 5% 1
Logging 5% 1
1% (Leaves) 1
Mining 2% 1
Enemies 100% 1
Bosses 100% 1


You can spend your earned Brilliant Plumage at Feathers in the Event Hub for various seasonal recipes and Armors.

Please note that Brilliant Plumage from previous Thanksgiving events will be converted into Drab Feathers and will no longer be usable for trading. Only the Brilliant Plumage from the current event can be used for transactions.