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Profession Details
ToolFishing Rod

Fishing is one of six Gathering Professions in Blockgame.

Take to the waters of Blockgame with the Fishing profession. Gain Fishing EXP by casting into various spots, and as your level rises, so does your chance of hooking rare items and materials.

Drop by Fisherman Franky in Origin for top-quality fishing gear to start reeling in those catches.

Bonus Stat

Each level in Fishing increases your ⏳ Cooldown Reduction by +0.1%. For example, reaching level 10 will boost your ⏳ Cooldown Reduction by a total of +1%, up to a maximum of +10% at level 100. This bonus is applied linearly, meaning every level grants a consistent increase.


The Jetty in Origin.

Fisherman Franky

Fisherman Franky is the go-to NPC for all your fishing needs. Located near the jetty in Origin, Franky provides essential fishing gear such as fishing poles, tackle boxes, and essential vestments.

Fisherman Baelin

Fisherman Baelin can be found just next to Franky. Baelin gives you various fishing-related quests that will boost your Fishing EXP. He’s also offers various types of Repair Powder available for trade.


Name Rarity Profession Bonus Enchant Buff Vendor
Onion Fishing Pole Common
  • Fishing EXP: +5%
  • Fishing Skill: +1
Strong Fishing Pole Common
  • Critical Fishing Chance +0.9-1.1
  • Fishing EXP: +18-22%
  • Fishing Skill: +2
Unbreaking I Fisherman Franky
Brass Fishing Pole Uncommon
  • Critical Fishing Chance +1.8-2.2
  • Fishing EXP: +36-44%
  • Fishing Skill: +4
Unbreaking I Fisherman Franky
Skysteel Fishing Pole Rare
  • Critical Fishing Chance +2.7-3.3
  • Fishing EXP: +54-66%
  • Fishing Skill: +6
Unbreaking II Fisherman Franky
Shimmerglass Fishing Pole Rare
  • Critical Fishing Chance +3.6-4.4
  • Fishing EXP: +72-88%
  • Fishing Skill: +8
Unbreaking II Fisherman Franky
Magisteel Fishing Pole Epic
  • Critical Fishing Chance +4.5-5.5
  • Fishing EXP: +90-110%
  • Fishing Skill: +10
Unbreaking III Fisherman Franky


Name Rarity Profession Bonus Enchant Vendor
Wooden Tackle Box Common
  • Fishing EXP: +10%
  • Fishing Skill: +2
Fisherman Franky
Brass Tackle Box Uncommon
  • Fishing EXP: +20%
  • Fishing Skill: +4
Fisherman Franky
Skysteel Tackle Box Rare
  • Fishing EXP: +30%
  • Fishing Skill: +6
Unbreaking I Fisherman Franky
Shimmerglass Tackle Box Rare
  • Fishing EXP: +40%
  • Fishing Skill: +8
Unbreaking I Fisherman Franky
Magisteel Tackle Box Epic
  • Fishing EXP: +50%
  • Fishing Skill: +10
Unbreaking II Fisherman Franky


Name Rarity Stats Set Bonus Vendor
Aspirant Fisherman Armor Common
  • Defense: +17.1-18.9
  • Fishing EXP: +72-88%
[Pescatarian] Set Bonus:
[4] x1.25 Fishing EXP
[4] +10 Fishing Skill
Fisherman Franky
Initiate Fisherman Armor Uncommon
  • Defense: +34.2-37.8
  • Fishing EXP: +144-176%
Journeyman Fisherman Armor Rare
  • Defense: +51.3-56.7
  • Fishing EXP: +216-264%
Expert Fisherman Armor Rare
  • Defense: +68.4-75.6
  • Fishing EXP: +288-352%
Master Fisherman Armor Epic
  • Defense: +85.5-94.5
  • Fishing EXP: +360-440%

Available Fishing Quest

Quest Questgiver Reward
Wet Grocery List - Raw Cod Fisherman Baelin
  • 2500 Class EXP
  • 5000 Fishing EXP
  • 100 Coins
Damp Grocery List - Raw Salmon
Soaked Grocery List - Tropical Fish
Moist Grocery List - Raw Pufferfish

Critical Fishing Chance

Critical Fishing Chance is a special mechanic in Blockgame that increases the likelihood of achieving a critical success while fishing. When a critical success occurs, the player receives double loot from their catch.

The chance for a critical success depends on various factors, such as the player’s fishing level, equipped gear, or any active buffs that enhance critical fishing.


The following table information has been compiled by the community of players based on observations and user contributions. This data was collected independently of game administration and without access to internal game files.
Please note that the table information are subject to change at any time without prior notice. As a result, this information may not always be fully accurate or up-to-date.

EXP Table

Item Base EXP Range
Damp Essence 30-50
Baddy Badfish 30-50
Bamboozle Fish 30-50
Bluesfish 30-50
Breakfish 30-50
Carp 30-50
Catfish 30-50
Chillfin 30-50
Coelacanth 750-1000
Darkfish 30-50
Dayfish 30-50
Dogfish 30-50
Dryfish 30-50
Electriceel 30-50
Fungal Fish 30-50
Ghostfish 200-250
Glowfish 30-50
Jamfish 30-50
Koi 30-50
Manfish 30-50
Midgard Fish
Mudfish 30-50
Nightfish 30-50
Spicy Pepperfish 30-50
Salty Saltfish 30-50
Stingray 30-50
Stonefish 30-50
Sushi Peel 30-50
Thorfish 30-50
Thunderfish, Blessed Fish of the Fishseeker 750-1000
Wetfish 30-50
Woodfish 30-50
Corrupted Blessed Wool Boots 150-250
Corrupted Cactus Boots 150-250
Corrupted Cooper Boots 150-250
Corrupted Ranger Boots 150-250
Corrupted Shotcaller Boots 150-250
Corrupted Silk Boots 150-250
Corrupted Sparking Silk Boots 150-250
Corrupted Stone Boots 150-250
Corrupted Wooden Boots 150-250
Corrupted Wool Boots 150-250
Lily Pad 50-70
Name Tag 100-150
Raw Cod 30-50
Raw Pufferfish 30-50
Raw Salmon 30-50
Raw Tropical Fish 30-50
Soggy Book 30-50
Strong Fishing Pole 250-300
Event Token 30-50

Drop Table

Biome Condition Item Drop Drop Amount Item Weight2
Damp Essence 1 60001
Raw Cod 1 60001
Raw Salmon 1 60001
Raw Tropical Fish 1 30001
Raw Pufferfish 1 20001
Woodfish 1 20
Wetfish 1 20
Stonefish 1 20
Lily Pad 1 201
Name Tag 1 51
Soggy Book 1 101
Corrupted Shotcaller Boots 1 1
Corrupted Silk Boots 1 1
Corrupted Cactus Boots 1 1
Corrupted Wooden Boots 1 1
Corrupted Wool Boots 1 1
Corrupted Ranger Boots 1 1
Corrupted Sparking Silk Boots 1 1
Corrupted Stone Boots 1 1
Corrupted Cooper Boots 1 1
Corrupted Blessed Wool Boots 1 1
Only during Mothman March Egg of the Mothman 1 60001
Only during Halloween Bash Magic Pumpkin 1 60001
Only during Turkey Terror Brilliant Plumage 1 60001
Only during Winter Wonderland Petrified Snowball 1 60001
Weather: Rain Wetfish 1 20
Catfish 1 5
Dogfish 1 5
Manfish 1 5
Weather: Snow Chillfin 1 5
Weather: Thunderstorm Thorfish 1 5
Electric Eel 1 5
Thunderfish, Blessed Fish of the Fishseeker 1 11
Time: Morning Breakfish 1 5
Dayfish 1 5
Time: Noon Dayfish 1 5
Time: Evening Nightfish 1 5
Time: Night Nightfish 1 5
Only in Sunken Cells Ghostfish 1 5
Only in Midgard Midgard Fish3 1
Only around Myrkheim spawn Weak Fish3 1
Badlands Baddy Badfish 1 20
Salty Saltfish 1 20
Bamboo Jungle Bamboozle Fish 1 5
Spicy Pepperfish 1 20
Beach Sushi Peel 1 20
Jamfish 1 20
Salty Saltfish 1 20
Cherry Grove Koi 1 20
Cold Ocean Sushi Peel 1 20
Bluesfish 1 5
Deep Cold Ocean Sushi Peel 1 40
Bluesfish 1 5
Deep Frozen Ocean Sushi Peel 1 40
Bluesfish 1 5
Chillfin 1 20
Deep Lukewarm Ocean Sushi Peel 1 40
Bluesfish 1 5
Stingray 1 5
Deep Ocean Sushi Peel 1 40
Bluesfish 1 5
Stingray 1 5
Desert Dryfish 1 20
Salty Saltfish 1 20
Dripstone Cave Darkfish 1 5
Eroded Badlands Baddy Badfish 1 20
Salty Saltfish 1 20
Frozen Ocean Sushi Peel 1 40
Bluesfish 1 5
Chillfin 1 20
Frozen Peaks Chillfin 1 20
Frozen River Chillfin 1 20
Crusty Carp 1 20
Grove Chillfin 1 20
Ice Spikes Chillfin 1 20
Jagged Peaks Chillfin 1 20
Jungle Bamboozle Fish 1 5
Spicy Pepperfish 1 20
Lukewarm Ocean Sushi Peel 1 40
Bluesfish 1 5
Stingray 1 5
Lush Caves Glowfish 1 5
Mangrove Swamp Mudfish 1 20
Mushroom Fields Fungal Fish 1 20
Ocean Sushi Peel 1 40
Bluesfish 1 5
Wetfish 1 20
River Crusty Carp 1 20
River Weather: Rain Coelacanth 1 11
Snowy Beach Chillfin 1 20
Snowy Plains Chillfin 1 20
Snowy Slopes Chillfin 1 20
Snowy Taiga Chillfin 1 20
Sparse Jungle Bamboozle Fish 1 5
Spicy Pepperfish 1 20
Warm Ocean Sushi Peel 1 40
Bluesfish 1 5
Jamfish 1 20
Stingray 1 5
Wooden Badlands Baddy Badfish 1 20
Salty Saltfish 1 20
1 The item weight does not increase with profession level.
2 Fishing drop tables use item weights to determine the chance of catching each item. If an item is unset (displayed by ∅) or has a weight of 0, it will not be included in the drops.
3 Midgard Fish and Weak Fish are intended to prevent obtaining useful loot from fishing in Midgard and the 4-chunk radius around Myrkheim spawn respectively. When the conditions for obtaining them are met, they have a 100% droprate.

Drop Table Explanation

Fishing drop tables differ from regular drop tables, such as those used by other professions or loot chests. Rather than relying on static drop chances, fishing drop tables use item weights to determine the likelihood of an item being caught. Each item in the table is assigned a weight, which is a numerical value. The higher the weight, the greater the chance of that item being selected.[1]

The probability of an item being dropped is calculated as follows:

Item Drop Probability=Item WeightSum of All Item Weights in the Drop Table

When calculating the drop rate, the following formula is applied:


This dynamic system allows drop chances to fluctuate based on the weights assigned to items, which may change as the fishing profession levels up. For example, an item with a fixed weight might have a higher or lower drop chance if the weights of other items in the table are adjusted over time.

Below is an example of a Global Drop Table, which applies universally and is not tied to a specific biome or condition. Note that this example excludes event-specific items, such as Magic Pumpkins.

Global Drop Table - Drop Chance (1-100)
Level 1 Level 100
Biome Condition Item Drop Drop Amount Item Weight2 Drop Chance Biome Condition Item Drop Drop Amount Item Weight2 Drop Chance
Damp Essence 1 60001 25.967% Damp Essence 1 60001 19.976%
Raw Cod 1 60001 25.967% Raw Cod 1 60001 19.976%
Raw Salmon 1 60001 25.967% Raw Salmon 1 60001 19.976%
Raw Tropical Fish 1 30001 12.984% Raw Tropical Fish 1 30001 9.988%
Raw Pufferfish 1 20001 8.656% Raw Pufferfish 1 20001 6.659%
Woodfish 1 20 0.087% Woodfish 1 2000 6.659%
Wetfish 1 20 0.087% Wetfish 1 2000 6.659%
Stonefish 1 20 0.087% Stonefish 1 2000 6.659%
Lily Pad 1 201 0.087% Lily Pad 1 201 0.067%
Name Tag 1 51 0.022% Name Tag 1 51 0.017%
Strong Fishing Pole 1 11 0.004% Strong Fishing Pole 1 11 0.003%
Soggy Book 1 101 0.043% Soggy Book 1 101 0.033%
Corrupted Shotcaller Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Shotcaller Boots 1 100 0.333%
Corrupted Silk Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Silk Boots 1 100 0.333%
Corrupted Cactus Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Cactus Boots 1 100 0.333%
Corrupted Wooden Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Wooden Boots 1 100 0.333%
Corrupted Wool Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Wool Boots 1 100 0.333%
Corrupted Ranger Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Ranger Boots 1 100 0.333%
Corrupted Sparking Silk Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Sparking Silk Boots 1 100 0.333%
Corrupted Stone Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Stone Boots 1 100 0.333%
Corrupted Cooper Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Cooper Boots 1 100 0.333%
Corrupted Blessed Wool Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Blessed Wool Boots 1 100 0.333%
1 The item weight does not increase with profession level.
2 Fishing drop tables use item weights to determine the chance of catching each item. If an item is unset (displayed by ∅) or has a weight of 0, it will not be included in the drops.

If we want to determine the drop chance for specific items under certain conditions, we need to account for the current fishing conditions in addition to the global table.

For example, let’s calculate the drop chance for a Bluesfish. The current conditions are:

  • Location: Deep Frozen Ocean
  • Time: Night
  • Weather: Rain
  • No event is active

In this scenario, we will provide the probabilities for Fishing levels 1 and 100.

Bluesfish Example Drop Table - Drop Chance (1-100)
Level 1 Level 100
Biome Condition Item Drop Drop Amount Item Weight2 Drop Chance Biome Condition Item Drop Drop Amount Item Weight2 Drop Chance
Damp Essence 1 60001 25.850% Damp Essence 1 60001 14.802%
Raw Cod 1 60001 25.850% Raw Cod 1 60001 14.802%
Raw Salmon 1 60001 25.850% Raw Salmon 1 60001 14.802%
Raw Tropical Fish 1 30001 12.925% Raw Tropical Fish 1 30001 7.401%
Raw Pufferfish 1 20001 8.617% Raw Pufferfish 1 20001 4.934%
Woodfish 1 20 0.086% Woodfish 1 2000 4.934%
Wetfish 1 20 0.086% Wetfish 1 2000 4.934%
Stonefish 1 20 0.086% Stonefish 1 2000 4.934%
Lily Pad 1 201 0.086% Lily Pad 1 201 0.049%
Name Tag 1 51 0.022% Name Tag 1 51 0.012%
Strong Fishing Pole 1 11 0.004% Strong Fishing Pole 1 11 0.002%
Soggy Book 1 101 0.043% Soggy Book 1 101 0.025%
Corrupted Shotcaller Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Shotcaller Boots 1 100 0.247%
Corrupted Silk Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Silk Boots 1 100 0.247%
Corrupted Cactus Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Cactus Boots 1 100 0.247%
Corrupted Wooden Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Wooden Boots 1 100 0.247%
Corrupted Wool Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Wool Boots 1 100 0.247%
Corrupted Ranger Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Ranger Boots 1 100 0.247%
Corrupted Sparking Silk Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Sparking Silk Boots 1 100 0.247%
Corrupted Stone Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Stone Boots 1 100 0.247%
Corrupted Cooper Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Cooper Boots 1 100 0.247%
Corrupted Blessed Wool Boots 1 1 0.004% Corrupted Blessed Wool Boots 1 100 0.247%
Deep Frozen Ocean Sushi Peel 1 40 0.172% Deep Frozen Ocean Sushi Peel 1 4000 9.868%
Bluesfish 1 5 0.022% Bluesfish 1 500 1.233%
Wetfish 1 20 0.086% Wetfish 1 2000 4.934%
Time: Night Nightfish 1 5 0.022% Time: Night Nightfish 1 500 1.233%
Weather: Rain Wetfish 1 20 0.086% Weather: Rain Wetfish 1 2000 4.934%
Catfish 1 5 0.022% Catfish 1 500 1.233%
Dogfish 1 5 0.022% Dogfish 1 500 1.233%
Manfish 1 5 0.022% Manfish 1 500 1.233%
1 The item weight does not increase with profession level.
2 Fishing drop tables use item weights to determine the chance of catching each item. If an item is unset (displayed by ∅) or has a weight of 0, it will not be included in the drops.

Under these conditions, at Fishing level 100, there would be a 1.233% chance to catch a Bluesfish.
