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Talk:Mount - Famine

From Blockgame Wiki
Latest comment: 28 November 2024 by Neglex in topic Mount Bugs

Mount Bugs

The following bugs apply to all mounts implemented in Blockgame:

If a mount and the player riding it are rendered inside chunks not loaded by a second player, then when the chunks are loaded by the second player, the player on the mount and their nametag will appear invisible.
If mounts are taken into towny-protected chunks, it is incorrectly given passive mob protection. This is an exploit if used during PvE or PvP combat, and players caught doing so will likely receive a ban.

Bugs are listed here in order to inform players and encourage fair play. Any claims about possible moderator action are informed by the game's rules and prior moderator action directly related to the bug in question. Neglex (talk) 17:53, 28 November 2024 (UTC)Reply