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Early Access 1.0.80

From Blockgame Wiki
Early Access 1.0.80
Patch Note Details
Release Date: March 15th 2025
Previous Version: Early Access 1.0.79
Next Version: Early Access 1.0.81

Official Client Mod:


Official Features Page:


New Content

-Professions have been moved to their own UI panel accessible through /profile.

Content Changes

-The Profile menu has been redesigned.
-The Talents menu has been redesigned.
-Mining Tier 4 gear now requires Obsidian instead of Crying Obsidian.
-Crying Obsidian drop rates have been reduced from 0.05 to 0.01.
-Lava Source Blocks now become Stone when interacting with water.
-Guardian Set Bonus no longer gives Damage Reduction.
-Guardian Set Bonus now gives Increased Threat.
-Guardian Set Bonus now gives Healing Received.
-Shields no longer give Increased Threat.
-Shields now grant Damage Reduction.
-Maces now grant Damage Reduction.
-Healing Received can now roll on Serenity Runes.
-Healing Received can now roll on Muddled Runes.
-PVP Runes are now split between offensive and defensive options.

Known Issues

-Fishing rods break after updated through admin changes.

Put in a ticket if your rod breaks. Screenshot the rod before using it to ensure quick ticket times.

Upcoming Content


This is planned to launch in March.

-Collapsing Earth will have some kind of Crowd Control effect.

This spell just isn't doing well right now but will be soon enough.

-Debuff effects will get a new stat that makes them last longer.

With the changes to Corruption this should be welcome. Looking forward to people specializing in Damage over Time.

-Alchemy will have recipe drops and require them for crafting.

This keeps it in-line with other professions. Reminder that recipes can be deconstructed for essence.