Early Access 1.0.11

From Blockgame Wiki
Early Access 1.0.11
Patch Note Details
Release Date: October 10th 2023
Previous Version: Early Access 1.0.10
Next Version: Early Access 1.0.12

Raw Patch Notes

New Content

-All Damage is a new stat that increases damage dealt by any means.

Content Changes

-Saturation has been renamed Hydration.
-Hydration is now only found on foods that contain large amounts of liquid.
-Hydration is consumed before Food when determining Starvation.
-Food no longer reduces at a rapid pace when below full health.
-Hydration no longer reduces at a rapid pace when below full health.
-Attributes applied with /stats have been changed.

You now have access to a large number of different attributes. This will let you build your character in new and interesting ways. Over time I will be tuning and updating these new attributes.

Bug Fixes

-The Damage Reduction stat now works correctly.
-Holograms now display correct damage and healing amounts.

Upcoming Content

-I would like to buff a players Damage/Survivability when at full food buff.

This would create more incentive to be fully fed and make it more fun. Right now, food is just a timer so todays changes move us closer to a better system.