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From Blockgame Wiki

Command Description Permission Needed
/nation [nationname] Displays information about the specified nation. None
/nation Displays information about your Nation. Resident
/nation online Lists all online residents in your nation. Resident
/nation ranklist Displays the ranks within your nation. Resident
/nation join [nationname] Join the specified nation. Resident
/nation leave Leave your current nation. Resident
/nation spawn Spawn at the nation's spawn point. Resident
/nation toggle public Toggle the nation's public status (public/private). Resident
/nation deposit [amount] Deposit money into the nation bank. Resident
/nation new [nationname] Create a new nation. King
/nation delete Delete your nation. King
/nation add [townname] Add a town to your nation. King
/nation kick [townname] Kick a town from your nation. King
/nation rename [newname] Rename your nation. King
/nation bankhistory View the nation's bank history. King
/nation ally [nationname] Ally with another nation. King
/nation enemy [nationname] Declare another nation as an enemy. King
/nation rank add/remove [playername] [rankname] Add or remove a rank for a player in your nation. King
/nation ally add [NationName] Add Ally Nation King
/nation ally remove [NationName] Remove Ally Nation King
/nation enemy add [NationName] Add Enemy Nation King
/nation enemy remove [NationName] Remove Enemy Nation King