Chef Nugget

From Blockgame Wiki
Chef Nugget
Character Details
Role: Profession Vendor
Location: Origin

Chef Nugget is an inhabitant of Origin. He runs a shop with Piggly Wiggly, Chef Axel Otto, Chef Ken Chef Sue, Chef Holiday and the Jam Master in the South Eastern side of the town and is the primary Vendor for the Cooking Profession.

Nugget's Shop


Craft Conditions Ingredients
Journeyman Chefs Toque 100 Coins
Journeyman Chefs Tater Top 100 Coins
Journeyman Chefs Greggings 100 Coins
Journeyman Chefs Loafers 100 Coins
Craft Conditions Ingredients
Expert Chefs Toque 250 Coins
Expert Chefs Tater Top 250 Coins
Expert Chefs Greggings 250 Coins
Expert Chefs Loafers 250 Coins
Craft Conditions Ingredients
Master Chefs Toque 500 Coins
Master Chefs Tater Top 500 Coins
Master Chefs Greggings 500 Coins
Master Chefs Loafers 500 Coins