Auction House

From Blockgame Wiki
Revision as of 12:05, 6 March 2024 by JagerLee91 (talk | contribs) (this is currently what i have completed for the page any tips on edits that can be made or ideas on adages are appreciated.)

The Auction House is one of the ways that Players are able to trade goods for Profit/Currency in Blockgame like the Bazaar. When you want to sell an item on the Auction House just have the item in your hand then use the required command and the wished sell price to post. Buying items can either be done in a search for the resource or a general search of what is in the market currently. If you are attempting to buy an item and don't have enough funds there will be a prompt that you need more money in your bank. All items that do not sell within a 30 Day limit or the sale is canceled by the player, will be placed in the collections bin to be re-taken.

The Auction House GUI
  • The Diamond in the bottom right brings the player to their current sales.
  • The schulker box brings the Player to their Expired sales.
  • The Hopper gives the Option to Filter the items for sale in the Auction House.
  • The chest symbol lets you refresh the page.
  • The arrow is the next page button and gives the ability to see further items on the Auction house.
  • The piece of paper lets players see all recent Transactions that have been completed.

All Transactions are funded with the Players Bank Account and cannot be withdrawn to your inventory.

Command Description
/ah Use this command to Open the option menu to the Auction House.
/ah active Brings up the HUD with all Items you are attempting to sell.
/ah expired Shows all Items that have not sold in the allotted time on the Auction House.
/ah search [ItemName] This Command give the player a chance to search for specific Items.
/ah sell [ItemPrice] When this Command is used it takes the Item Currently in hand and places it

in the Auction House for the given Price

/ah transactions Shows a menu of your personal Interactions on the Auction House.

Buy and sell records you have made can be seen here.

Rank System and Transaction increases

While you are playing Blockgame and increasing player Ranks the amount of Items you can sell will increase every rank. Starting off players will have the ability to do 8 sales at once with the rank of Nomad. Once the player is able to rank up the amount of items that can be sold is increased by 2 every rank with a max amount of 50 when the rank of Goblin King is reached. Once the Limit is reached at your current Rank, there will be a prompt that will tell you have reached your current max sales.