Auction House

From Blockgame Wiki
Revision as of 00:03, 6 March 2024 by JagerLee91 (talk | contribs) (start up on the page. will be adding the commands and all Images during the next little while.)
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The Auction House is one of the ways that Players are able to trade goods for profit/Currency in Blockgame like the Bazaar Shops. When you want to sell an item on the Auction House just have the item in your hand then use the required command and the wished sell price to post. Buying items can either be done in a search for the resource or a general search at what is in the HUD. If you are attempting to buy an item and don't have enough funds there will be a prompt that you need more money in your bank.

All Transactions are funded with the Players Bank Account and cannot be withdrawn to your inventory.