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Frequently Asked Questions

From Blockgame Wiki
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This page's purpose is to answer commonly asked questions regarding Blockgame.

Blockgame - General

For how long has Blockgame been in development?

For about 2 years. Alpha 1.0 started on 20th March 2022.[1]

What is Blockgame's current server provider?

The current server provider is Shockbyte. Thor is happy with Shockbyte and praises its performance and support.[2]

Where are Blockgame's Server located?

Currently, Blockgame's servers are located in Florida, USA.[3]

Why is the server still on version 1.20.2?

The server infrastructure and plug-ins do not support the change to 1.21 yet. Thor and Jake are gradually working on it.

What type of server is Blockgame running on?

Blockgame is currently running on Paper.

Is there any monetization?

No, there is no form of monetization and there never will be. There will be no ads, no priority queues, and no bonus shenanigans.

How can I donate?

That's the neat part. You can't.

Why is the server capped at 75 players?

If the player cap goes beyond 75, the server suffers from massively decreased performance. The TPS goes under the desired 20, which negatively impacts the game quality.[4]

Will there ever be a higher server cap?

Yes. With the update to 1.21, the server will likely gain around a 25% performance boost, which will reflect in a higher server cap.

What are the keybinds for the Blockgame Enhance Mod?

Shortcut Command
R /profile
O /party
P Opens list for muting
or reporting to Microsoft
G Warp Menu
H Auction House
Z /ranks
X /disposal
V /stats
B Backpack
N /deposit

Blockgame - In-Game

What is the sign when I log in?

With the implementation of Patch EA 1.0.59, a new detection method for addons that give an unfair advantage in PVP and cheat addons of many flavors was added. The sign serves as the detection method.[5]

Why do I need to download a resource pack?

The current resource pack implements all Twitch Chat icons into Blockgame. Go ahead and try them out!
You can find a list of functioning emotes on the Commands Page.

What mods are allowed?

There is no definite list of allowed or not allowed mods. In general, mods that give an unfair advantage, like map mods with entity radar or straight-up cheating, like ESP or autofishing mods, are forbidden. You won't be able to join the server at all with those active.

Can I automate?

No, refer to Rule#1.

What is the BEST way to make money?

While there is no best way to acquire funds, exploration is the primary way to obtain such.

Can I keep animals in my town?

Yes, you can keep animals in your town, but only in low quantities. Mobs will also despawn as soon as the chunk is not loaded anymore, and special, Blockgame-specific items will only drop in Myrkheim, making animal farms in Midgard less useful.

Where can I acquire recipes?

You can obtain recipes from dungeons or special recipes during events.

What is the max render distance?

The maximum render distance is 4 chunks.

How do I get to the Nether or the End?

You don't. The Nether and End are currently not part of Blockgame.

What is blunt power / blunt rating?

Blunt Power is the radius in blocks of the AOE explosion caused by Mace primary attacks, while Blunt Rating is the percentage of the initial attack's damage dealt to enemies caught in the explosion.

Does the Community Farm replant automatically?

No. The Community Farm is solely driven by the community itself. The duty to replant falls on the person who harvested the fruits of others' labor.

Are mob grinders / mob farms allowed?

No, refer to Rule #1.

Can I alt in Blockgame for more daily tokens?

For this, I will just quote Thor: PirateSoftware: Alting for daily tokens makes me want to slap you through the internet.[6]

Sometimes I see rare materials and ores, and in the next second they disappear. Why is that?

This display of rare minerals and ores is part of the anti-Xray system. However, this can also happen during chunk loading errors and lag.

Am I allowed to use a reconnect mod?

No. [7]

How can I change into another chat?

Chat Command
Nation Chat /nc
Town Chat /tc
Alliance Chat /townychat:ac
Global Chat (default) /g
Local Chat /lc
Party Chat @ [Message]

What happens when I'm in Myrkheim when it resets?

Depending on where you are at the time of the reset:

  • (Online): Teleport to Yggdrasil
  • (Offline): Spawn in Tutorial Realm

What is Hydration?

Hydration is a second hunger bar. You can read more in the Food Article.

Why can't I warp to Yggdrasil/Midgard/Myrkheim?

While in Myrkheim, you can't use any warp command. You have to use a portal to port out of Myrkheim.

I'm stuck in the tutorial. Why can't I warp out?

You have to talk to the Warp Witch first and rank up once (Newbie -> Potato). The Tutorial NPC will guide you through the process.

I have been scammed on the Auction House / by a player. What can I do?

Scamming is not against the rules. Welcome to the Social Sandbox Experience.

Are my items safe in my satchel / backpack?

Yes. Gear and/or items with the Drop on Death remain in your satchel or backpack upon death.

Do my tools need to have full durability to upgrade?

No, the durability of the tool plays no role in the upgrade process. The new item will always have full durability.

When is the daily reset?

The daily resets take place at 20:00 UTC+0.

When does Myrkheim reset?

Myrkheim resets every Friday at 00:00 UTC+0.

When is the daily server restart?

The server restarts at 04:00 UTC+0.

Can I use corrupted armor to craft/upgrade to the next tier?


Bugs/Cheats/Exploits/Abuse and Moderation

I want to help moderate Blockgame. How can I apply to be an administrator?

Currently, there are no open positions for administrators. Please keep an eye on the announcement channels, specifically #blockgame and #job-opportunities, for future opportunities.

I found a bug/exploit/cheater/spammer. What should I do?

If you encounter a bug, exploit, cheater, or spammer, please create a ticket in the #blockgame-ticket channel on Discord. Provide as much documentation as possible, such as screenshots, timestamps, or videos, to help the moderation team address the issue promptly. You will not be punished for recreating and documenting a bug or exploit for the purposes of filing a ticket.

I am getting verbally abused/threatened inside and/or outside of the game by Blockgame players. What should I do?

While banter, roleplay, and rivalry are common and expected in social sandbox MMOs, abuse or threats are not acceptable. You can open a behavior ticket in the #blockgame-ticket channel. In serious or extreme situations, seek immediate assistance from the Blockgame moderation team by pinging them in Discord with @Mod-Blockgame.


I can't find Item X on the Wiki??

Make sure that you wrote the Item name exactly like it is displayed in-game. Sometimes, especially for newer Items, Items that are currently not available or rare Items, the respective Page has not yet been created. In that case, if you have more Information, you can always help out the Wiki by creating Page or by providing a Wiki Worker with information.


What texture pack is Thor using?

Thor does not use a texture pack.

What shaders does Thor use?

Thor uses Sildur's Shaders.

Does Thor play the game?

Yes. While Thor is often busy fixing the issues caused by the Goblins, he plays the game regularly.

What class does Thor play as?

Thor primarily plays as a Thaumaturge.

Is Thor a Java developer?

By the basic definition of a "Java Developer," yes. Thor has a solid understanding of Java syntax, object-oriented programming principles, and software development best practices. However, Thor will always deny this fact, and it is even included on his hate list.

See also