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From Blockgame Wiki
(Redirected from Birch Sapling)

Saplings is also a game feature of Minecraft.
More information can be found on the Minecraft Wiki at Sapling.

Item Details

A sapling is a non-solid block that can be grown into a tree.

For additional information, please refer to the corresponding item in Vanilla Minecraft.


When leaves are broken manually by either a tool or hand. They have a chance of dropping a sapling and the drop rate is related to your Logging Skill. The higher the Logging Skill the higher the chance you will get a sapling.

Mangrove Propagules are unique in that they do not drop from leaves. Instead, they appear on the bottom of mangrove leaves on world generation or upon growth from a propagule. You may also use bone meal on mangrove leaves with an empty space below them to grow a propagule.

Azaleas and Flowering Azaleas drop from both types of Azalea Leaves and naturally generate inside Lush Caves.


Saplings come in seven varieties, each of which can grow into a corresponding tree: oak, birch, spruce, jungle, acacia, dark oak, and cherry. In addition, both types of azaleas and mangrove propagules can also grow trees. Tiers I-IV Lumberjack Armor require various saplings in their crafting recipes.