Weapons are essential tools in Blockgame, not just for defense but also for gaining a strategic advantage in different situations. These powerful tools play a key role in combat, helping players fend off enemies, creatures and sometimes even wild Penguins.
In addition to their combat functionalities, Weapons in Blockgame possess unique attributes that extend beyond the realm of conventional game mechanics. Much like their Tool counterparts, these weapons exhibit diverse stats that directly influence your effectiveness in battles. From damage output to attack speed, each weapon attribute contributes to the overall success of your combat endeavors.
To further customize and optimize your Weapons, most of them come with one or more Rune Slots. These slots allow you to inscribe powerful Runes, enhancing the performance of your Weapons.
Weapons can drop as Corrupted Weapon, offering a viable alternative to normal crafted Weapon. Corrupted weapons have been touched by Loki, and have half the durability of crafted gear. Additionally, Corrupted Weapons reduce Damage Reduction, resulting in more incoming damage from all sources. While this consequence may appear overly harsh, Corrupted Weapons can roll with normally unobtainable stats for their Gear Class and are easily acquired making it a valuable commodity.
Corrupted Weapons may not be used to craft regular gear, and cannot have runes applied.
Corrupted weapon in comparison to normal weapon.
Weapon Prefix / Suffix
Occasionally, when crafting a Weapon or encountering a Corrupted Weapon, they may come with a prefix such as "Blessed". These refixes/suffixes indicate that you've had a stroke of luck and acquired a slightly enhanced version of the base Weapon.
The stat added by a prefix or suffix is the same for every weapon class. For example, Implements will always gain additional Thaumaturgy Power when they roll a prefix.
Comparison between weapons with and without prefix.
Primary Weapons
Physical Weapons
Among the array of Primary Weapons, Physical Weapons reign supreme for their direct and tangible impact on the battlefield. From the swift strikes of a sword to the piercing accuracy of a bow, and the brute force of a mace, these weapons offer a diverse range of combat styles to suit every adventurer's preference and playstyle.
Charge Mechanic: Hold the right-click to charge the bow to varying strengths and release to fire. The longer the charge, the higher the damage and velocity of the arrow. Arrows can also gain special effects or increased damage based on the quiver equipped in the offhand.
Full Charge vs. Quick Fire: For maximum damage and speed, fully charge each shot. However, you can quick-fire weaker arrows to apply constant pressure on enemies, allowing you to reposition or wait for assistance.
Primary Attack (AOE): Maces strike with a spherical Area of Effect (AOE) centered on the target hit. The size and strength of this AOE are influenced by two stats:
Blunt Power: Determines the radius of the AOE (e.g., a Blunt Power of 3 means a 3-block radius).
Blunt Rating: Defines the percentage of damage dealt to secondary targets (e.g., a Blunt Rating of 30% means secondary targets take 30% of the damage dealt to the primary target).
Rock and Awe: Maces feature the unique ability Rock and Awe, which applies the Slowness debuff to enemies and uses Threat to manipulate enemy targeting. When hit by Rock and Awe’s AOE, enemies will temporarily prioritize the player casting the spell, placing them at the top of their Threat List. This remains until another player either damages the enemy or generates more threat to overtake them.
Knockback Mechanics: When the primary attack hits a target, secondary targets in the AOE experience the same knockback applied to the original enemy hit. For example, if you hit one enemy in a group of three, all enemies in the AOE will be knocked back in the same way, helping control groups of enemies efficiently.
Primary Attack (Cone AOE): Sword attacks create a cone-shaped AOE in front of the player. Damage is dealt to all enemies within the cone, and it ignores the sword’s swing cooldown. However, the damage still scales with the swing cooldown, similar to how bows deal more damage when fully charged.
Combo Attack: A special 3-hit combo that automatically triggers on the third hit of a sword’s primary attack. It has a roughly 20-second cooldown and is single-target, with no AOE component.
Leap: The strongest sword ability, Leap allows the player to jump in the direction they’re facing. This includes both vertical and horizontal movement, making it ideal for navigating terrain or gaining height. Leap can only be used while grounded; attempting to use it mid-air will have no effect.
Onion Sword: Unlike other swords, the Onion Sword lacks the Combo Attack and Leap abilities, which are only available on tiered sword equipment.
Within the realm of Spells, two distinct paths emerge: Spellcraftings, which are the intricate spells crafted by Mages, and Thaumaturgies, sacred spells wielded by Healers. Each path offers unique abilities and approaches to mastering the arcane, providing adventurers with a diverse array of options for shaping their destiny.
For those attuned to the arcane energies of the cosmos, Spellcraftings represent the culmination of years of study and practice. These intricate spells are meticulously crafted to harness the raw power of magic, allowing Mages to wield formidable forces with precision and mastery, shaping reality to their will and unleashing devastating effects upon their enemies.
Damage, Knockback, and Ignite Effect: These spells launch a projectile that deals damage, applies knockback, and inflicts the Ignite effect on hit. The Ignite effect causes fire damage over a short duration. While the primary damage remains unaffected, the fire can be extinguished by water or rain, making the Ignite effect less effective in those conditions.
Frostbolt/Bottle of Frost
Damage and Slowness without Knockback: These spells fire a projectile that deals damage and applies Slowness to enemies on hit. However, unlike Firebolt, Frostbolt does not deal any knockback to its targets.
Pressure Wave/Bottle of Gusts
AOE, Knockback, and Fall Damage Potential: These spells create a trapezoidal Area of Effect (AOE) in front of the caster, dealing damage and applying strong knockback at an upward angle to enemies hit. This can result in additional fall damage when enemies are launched into the air. However, enemies that are immune to knockback, such as Krognar, are unaffected by the launch.
Collapsing Earth/Bottle of Dirt
Circular AOE Damage: These spells cast a circular AOE on the surface of any targeted block, dealing equal damage to all enemies within range. Although the spell does not explicitly indicate it, the cast range is approximately 50 blocks.
Limitations: The AOE is quite short, so it may miss jumping enemies or those standing on a block higher than the cast location.
In the hands of devoted healers, Thaumaturgies embody divine grace and restoration. Drawing upon heavenly blessings, Thaumaturgies are sacred spells infused with the power to heal wounds, cleanse afflictions, and strengthen allies with renewed vitality. As the epitome of compassion and empathy, Healers use Thaumaturgies to offer hope and comfort to those in need, ensuring that light prevails over darkness. However, there are instances where they wield their powers to drain the life from enemies after cursing them with various afflictions. Life and death are just two sides of the same coin.
Hitscan Beam and Self-Healing: Life Drain casts a hitscan beam that both damages enemies and restores health to the caster. The beam can bounce off walls up to three times before ending on the fourth collision with a block. The healing provided by Life Drain scales with Thaumaturgy Power, allowing stronger casters to heal more effectively.
Flash Heal
Party-Only Instant Heal: Flash Heal is a targeted healing spell that can only be cast on players within your party. It instantly restores a fixed amount of health to the target. The spell has a range of about 50 blocks and cannot pass through walls but will bypass non-player entities that block your line of sight.
Party-Only Healing Over Time: Regeneration, distinct from the vanilla Minecraft regeneration effect, is the second spell limited to party members. When cast, it heals the target gradually over 20 seconds. The spell has the same 50-block range and line-of-sight requirements as Flash Heal.
Targeting Behavior: When using either Flash Heal or Regeneration, the spell will automatically target the nearest party member in your crosshair, regardless of their current health. Proper positioning is crucial to ensure you can heal as many allies as possible.
Ring of Mercy
Powerful AOE Heal with Regeneration: Ring of Mercy is a potent healing spell with a long cooldown. It creates a circular area-of-effect (AOE) on the ground, healing all party members within the area, including the caster. The spell provides an initial burst of healing and applies a Regeneration effect for a short time. The strength of the regeneration depends on the item's tier, with higher tiers granting more powerful regeneration (e.g., Tier 3 provides Regeneration 3).
AOE Damage with Curse Effect: Corruption functions similarly to Collapsing Earth, but deals thaumaturgy-based damage and applies a Curse to affected enemies. This curse inflicts damage over time and applies Weakness I for the duration.
AOE Limitations: Both Corruption and Ring of Mercy have relatively short AOE ranges, making them prone to missing enemies that are jumping or standing on higher blocks than the spell's cast location.
Legendary Weapons
Legendary weapons stand apart, revered not just for their unparalleled craftsmanship but also for the mystical powers they possess. To wield such a weapon signifies that its bearer has faced formidable adversaries and emerged victorious time and time again, or perhaps was so fortunate that now their enemies and companions bled from sheer resentment.
Offhand items, such as Totems, Wards, or Quivers, serve as specialized tools to elevate your combat capabilities even further. These unique items act as perfect companions to their corresponding Primary Counterparts, working in harmony to maximize your deadliness on the battlefield. Whether providing additional protection, enhancing your ranged capabilities, or offering unique buffs, offhand items play a crucial role in shaping your overall combat strategy and ensuring you're well-equipped for any encounter in the expansive world of Blockgame.