Early Access 1.0.25

Early Access 1.0.25
Patch Note Details
Release Date: January 7th 2024
Previous Version: Early Access 1.0.24
Next Version: Early Access 1.0.26

Raw Patch Notes

Official Client Mod


New Content

Archer has been reworked as Ranger.

-Rangers now get special arrow recipes from each dungeons.
-Arrows now apply status effects to ANY bow in use.
-Bows have been significantly buffed.
-You need to submit a ticket if your armor doesn't say "« Ranger Armor »".

New arrow recipes have been added to the game.

-Sunken Cells - Poison
-Krognars Bastion - Slow
-The Temple of Neith - Fire
-Rotten Maw - Wither

Content Changes

The Town Hall has been upgraded.

-There are now NPCs for each profession here.
-This should make it easier for newer players to find professions.

Corrupted gear has been reworked entirely.

-Reduced Debuff from ~10% > ~5.0%
-Corrupted gear no longer has durability.
-Corrupted gear can no longer be repaired.
-Corrupted gear now disappears on death.
-Fragile tools now display that they cannot be repaired.

Bug Fixes

-Curse of Vanishing now displays on tooltips correctly.

Upcoming Content

-Tier 2 Status Arrows will be added with Hard Mode dungeons.