Early Access 1.0.13

Early Access 1.0.13
Patch Note Details
Release Date: October 17th 2023
Previous Version: Early Access 1.0.12
Next Version: Early Access 1.0.14

Raw Patch Notes

New Content

- The Headless Horseman now roams the land searching for his lost head. Killing this World Boss gives a Boost to everyone on the server for a few hours. If you log in after he dies you still get this boost as it's a server-side buff. This World Boss only spawns when 5 or more players are online. This is a considerably difficult encounter and many players are needed to bring him down. This boss will only spawn once every 4 hours and alerts the server as to where he has spawned.

-World Boss Boosts

World bosses will give a boost to the entire server for a set amount of hours. For this first one it will give +20% Class EXP to everyone for 4 hours. This boost is on the SERVER side so even if you're not online you can sign in and have it. Boosts are displayed at the bottom of your /profile menu


This World Boss has a special Mount summoning item. This is the really early days of mounts so things will advance a lot going forward. Let me know when/if things break with it!

Content Changes

-Cinders Explosion damage reduced. 150 > 120
-Cinders Health increased. 1500 > 1750
-Chaos Engine Fire Aura damage increased. 10 > 20

Bug Fixes

-Pressure Wave now knocks back targets based on the books Force.
-Pressure Wave particles now travel an appropriate distance based on AOE Size Amplifier.