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Stats are an important indicator of a player's development and talents in Blockgame, determining their performance in many activities. Some stats, like Max Health and Defense, are essential for survival, but others, like Profession stats, increase productivity and efficiency in specialized jobs.

You can view most of your Player Stats in detail in the Profile Menu.

This page provides a comprehensive overview of all available stats in Blockgame, detailing their effects.

Player Stats


Stat Description
🗡 Base Weapon Damage Increases the default damage dealt by your weapon without any additional modifiers or bonuses.
🗡 Attack Speed Reduces the time between attacks, allowing you to strike faster in combat.
🗡 Critical Chance Boosts the likelihood of landing a critical hit, which deals extra damage.
🗡 Critical Power Amplifies the damage dealt by critical hits, making them more impactful.
⚒ Blunt Power Boosts the size in blocks of the AOE explosion caused by the weapon.
⚒ Blunt Rating Improves the % damage of the initial attack dealt to enemies caught in the explosion.
🗡 All Damage Provides a universal increase to all forms of damage, regardless of the weapon or spell used.
🗡 Weapon Damage Specifically increases the damage output from melee weapons like swords, axes, etc.
☄ Magic Damage /
☄ Magic Power
Enhances the potency of your magic attacks, increasing spell damage.
🏹 Projectile Damage Increases the damage of ranged attacks (arrows).
☮ Thaumaturgy Power Improves the strength and effectiveness of magical abilities that rely on thaumaturgy.
🗡 Backstab Damage Increases damage dealt when attacking an enemy from behind, ideal for stealth.
🗡 PVE Damage Increases damage output against non-player enemies.
🗡 PVP Damage Boosts damage against other players in player vs. player combat.
◎ AOE Size Amplifier Increases the radius or size of your area-of-effect (AOE) abilities and spells, allowing you to hit more targets.
⏳ Cooldown Reduction Reduces the time it takes for spells to recharge, allowing more frequent use.
⌚ Movement Speed Increases how fast your character moves, useful for positioning in combat or exploration.
⚠ Threat Affects how much attention you draw from enemies; higher threat makes enemies more likely to target you (useful for tanks).


Stat Description
❤ Max Health Represents your total hit points, allowing you to take more damage before dying.
❤ Health Regeneration Increases the rate at which your health naturally regenerates over time.
❤ Healing Received Boosts the amount of health restored when healed by spells, potions, or other sources.
⛨ Defense Grants protection against all damage taken by a %.
Damage * (1 - (Defense / (Defense + 100)))[1]
⛨ Mitigation Mitigates Damage taken.
⛨ Block Rating Increases the chance of successfully blocking an attack.
⛨ Block Power Improves the amount of damage reduced when successfully blocking.
⛨ Block Cooldown Reduction Reduces the cooldown time between successful blocks, allowing you to block more frequently.
⛨ Knockback Resistance Decreases the likelihood of being knocked back by enemy attacks.
⛨ Damage Reduction Reduces all forms of damage taken by a flat amount.
⛨ Fall Damage Reduction Lowers the amount of damage taken from falling.
⛨ PVE Damage Reduction Reduces the damage you take from non-player enemies.
⛨ PVP Damage Reduction Decreases the damage taken from other players in PVP situations.
🍖 Hunger Affects how quickly your character becomes hungry..


Stat Description
Class EXP Increases the rate at which you gain experience in your class, allowing faster level progression.
⛏ Mining EXP Boosts the experience gained from mining ores or minerals.
🪓 Logging EXP Increases the experience gained from chopping down trees and gathering Leaves.
☠ Archaeology EXP Boosts the experience gained from digging up dirt, sand and other soil.
🎣 Fishing EXP Increases the experience gained from catching fish.
☘ Herbalism EXP Boosts the experience gained from harvesting flowers and crops.
🐺 Hunting EXP Increases the experience gained from hunting animals.
🍖 Cooking EXP Boosts the experience gained from cooking food.
ᚱ Runecarving EXP Increases experience gained from crafting runes.
🧪 Alchemy EXP Boosts experience gained from brewing potions.
⛏ Mining Skill Increasing drop chance of Mining related materials.
🪓 Logging Skill Increasing drop chance of Logging related materials.
☠ Archaeology Skill Increasing drop chance of Archaeology related materials.
🎣 Fishing Skill Increasing drop chance of Fishing related materials.
☘ Herbalism Skill Increasing drop chance of Herbalism related materials.
🐺 Hunting Skill Increasing drop chance of Hunting related materials.
🎣 Critical Fishing Chance Increases the chance of a critical success when fishing, yielding double loot.

Weapon Stats

Stat Description
Attack Damage Defines how much damage the weapon deals with each attack.
Arrow Velocity Increases the speed at which arrows or projectiles fly.
Cooldown Displays the waiting time before you can use a weapon’s special ability again.
Ignite Adds a fire effect to attacks, dealing additional fire damage over time.
Force Affects how much knockback the weapon deals to enemies upon hitting them.
Angle Determines the attack spread of a weapon’s strike or shot.
Radius Defines the area affected by the weapon’s abilities.
Heal Displays the amount of health restored by a spell..
Bless Duration Increases the length of time that positive buffs granted by the weapon last.
Bless Strength Displays the power of blessings or buffs granted by the weapon.
Curse Duration Increases the length of time that negative effects from the weapon last on enemies.
Curse Strength Displays the severity of debuffs inflicted by the weapon.
Amplification Boosts the effects of any buffs or debuffs, making them stronger.
Poison Adds a poison effect, dealing damage over time to affected enemies.
Wither Applies a withering effect, reducing the enemy’s health regeneration and affected healing.
Slow Reduces the enemy’s movement speed when struck, making them easier to target.

See also
